SHS Football Boosters
Newsletter October 7, 2024
Homecoming Game 10/11

Games this week:
Monday 4pm JV @ away vs Wells
Thursday First Team vs Bonny Eagle @Bonny Eagle High School
Friday 7pm @ home Varsity vs Bonny Eagle

Sign up today!
Many hands make light work, right? Please sign-up and do your part.
We need everyone’s help!
Game Day Volunteering
Multiple slots left (10/11 (This week!) & 10/25)
First Team Home Game Volunteers
ONE Slot left (10/30)!!
Laundry Volunteers FULL
Help us earn some extra money by working during another varsity sport’s concessions.
Slots on 10/21

Sign-up Here:
Pizza Dinner w/ Cheerleaders
For all sign-ups throughout the season
Thank you to all the volunteers from the past weeks! The players and coaches really appreciate you and these Thursday night team dinners.
Did you know that there are over 35 volunteer opportunities each week for the team dinner? That takes an army! Please help where you can.
Athlete Volunteers
The Scarborough Youth Football program is looking for volunteers to help out at home games for the 7th&8th grade team and the 5th&6th grade team.

Monthly Booster Meeting
Location: SHS Room G-018
Date & Time: Wednesday, 11/13/2024 – 06:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Google Meet link:
The season requires so many hands to make everything run smoothly. Come see how you can help!
All dates and times are subject to change. Coach Malia will have the latest information and his information will supersede anything the Boosters publish.
Previous Newsletter:
All newsletters are available on the website on the Team page.